Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November = Diabetes Awareness

*Everyone in the 'D' Community is aware of Diabetes.

*Those who have been diagnosed with this sweet chronic disease are aware that they have it.

*We are also aware that November is Diabetes Awareness month.

*AND we are aware that November 14th is World Diabetes Day. (Wear blue to show your support!)

That's a lot of awareness.

This morning I woke up and thought......why not share some of this fascinating awareness? Why not share the things that aren't normally shared. Good, bad, indifferent. The things that aren't necessarily ground breaking but aren't necessarily known about the life of a Diabetic. The unspoken things. The forgotten things. The things that have become so much a part of our lives that we overlook, don't pay attention or just mindlessly deal with them.

So, for the month of November, on my blog and on my Facebook page, I am going to share Daily 'D' disclosures!


November 2, 2011: I have lost feeling in 6 of my fingers due to blood testing at least 10 times a day.


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